The application that supports you from

pregnancy to baby monitoring

Download the app for your smartphone
from the Android and Apple stores :

Don’t feel like downloading the app ? Use it online !

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Are you looking for practical help of

the organization of daily life ?

Coogli, application mobile, application bébé, application parents, baby, baby app, parents, assistance bébé, carnet de bord, baby tracker

Are you looking for practical help of

the organization of daily life ?

Coogli, application mobile, application bébé, application parents, baby, baby app, parents, assistance bébé, carnet de bord

Coogli is a participatory mobile application intended for young parents and their entourage in order to facilitate the management of daily life when a baby arrives (and before during pregnancy monitoring !).

With Coogli, note and follow the food, sleep, hygiene and all the events concerning the life of your baby and share them with your spouse to facilitate the organization of family life.

Download the app on Android and Apple stores :

A handy

notebook app

This is a
collaborative notebook

It facilitates the daily management of family life with a baby:
choose who participates.

… in an environment caring and safe

Coogli accompanies you with confidence : your data is private and secure.

... thanks to simple and fun tools

Save time and simplify your life
by having all the information
in one place.

Centralize everything on one

and the same app

With Coogli, simplify the new management of your family life when your baby arrives.

The mobile app allows you to save all the important data to organize your daily life and restore them if necessary:

  • Its size and weight, without any injunction or standardization, and the output of its teeth.
  • Note their meal times
  • Note his hours of sleep to better organize yourself and follow his evolution
  • Important appointments that affect your child’s life with a shared agenda that parents have access to
  • Keep memories of the events, first word, first smile, first stupidity…
Coogli, application mobile, application bébé, application parents, baby, baby app, parents, assistance bébé, carnet de bord, baby tracker
Coogli, application mobile, application bébé, application parents, baby, baby app, parents, assistance bébé, carnet de bord, baby tracker
application, pregnancy monitoring, baby, baby first name

Before the baby is born

follow the progress of the pregnancy

  • Follow week after week the evolution of the fetus.
  • Share the appointment calendar with your spouse.
  • Search with your partner for ideas of first names for your future child thanks to a fun tool that allows you to agree.

All in one app !

Coogli, application mobile, application bébé, application parents, baby, baby app, parents, assistance bébé, carnet de bord, baby tracker

Discover the Coogli application in video​

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