Interview with Bérangère
child care nurse trained in baby massage and baby yoga
Could you introduce yourself ?
My name is Bérangère and I have been a child care nurse since 2006. Since obtaining this degree, I work in a neonatal service towards Saint Etienne. This service takes care of premature children or children with different pathologies that cannot stay in conventional maternity homes. Today I offer massage and baby yoga workshops as well as accompaniment.
Tell us about your job.
I still work in the hospital but in parallel, for 4 years, I offer workshops on baby massage mainly at home. Since last year, I am trained in baby yoga. I can also do consultations on sleep, crying, feeding or the rhythm of the baby.
Are you self-employed, full-time ?
Yes I am self-employed, however, I am part-time at the hospital. Since I have two children aged 6 and 10, I take time out to do these workshops and complete my part-time hospital work.
How did you come up with that idea ?
First of all, the formation of the baby massage serves me in my activity in the hospital and when I had my daughters, I wanted something else. I didn’t just want to be a hospital nurse, because when you’re a child care nurse, you have the opportunity to practice in other areas. So I wanted to propose different things after the hospital, in the service of families. I was very keen to provide this support.
The baby massage
You offer several services including baby massage, what does it consist of ?
It is a massage on the newborns allowing to create a link between the parents and the baby but also to relieve it if needed.
From what age can it be done ? Does everyone have access to this activity ?
From birth until 9 months because after the babies want to move so it is more complicated. This workshop is designed for all types of babies, it is really a well-being massage.

How is the session going ?
When I arrive, I have a lot of discussions with the mother about how her pregnancy went, how the delivery went and how the first few days went. We also talk about the baby’s rhythm. After that, we begin the workshop.
How long is a session ?
The massage itself can last up to 40 minutes but I stay at home 1h with the time of presentations, explanations etc.
Who does the massage? The parents themselves or you ?
It’s the parents themselves. I show the movements on a baby doll and then the parents reproduce them with their baby. This will then allow them to do so at home.
Is it necessary to do several sessions?
I propose packages up to 4 sessions, which is really interesting because it allows to go smoothly, little by little. Many parents want to do it on one session which is totally possible.
What’s the point of doing a baby massage?
The idea is to spend a good time with their baby, create a real exchange with his child. It can also soothe a baby who sleeps poorly, who is restless or who has pain in the stomach for example.
Baby Yoga
Regarding another of your services, baby yoga, what does it consist of?
It is a playful activity that allows a psychomotor accompaniment for the baby.
At what age can you start baby yoga? Can all babies do it?
Yoga can start from 1 month up to 18 months. After that, it goes to child yoga and I am not trained in this practice. Of course! All babies have access to it.
How does a baby yoga session work?
The session follows the baby’s development and offers postures adapted to the moment.
I can show up to 8 postures that are repeated over the course of the session so that the child incorporates what is shown to him.
How long is a session?
A session lasts between 30 and 40 minutes.
Are both parents included in the activity?
It’s very variable but there are more and more dads! On the other hand, it is the babies who do the postures even if at the end of sessions the parents can do them.
Are group sessions possible?
Outside of Covid 19, it’s possible!
What are the benefits of this activity?
There is real sharing with her baby again and it is liberating for emotions. This helps calm, relax and relieve some pain when working the lower abdomen for example. There is a certain continuity between massage and baby yoga.
Is it necessary to do several sessions to increase the benefits for the baby?
They can only do one session, but it will be more of a discovery session. The advantage of doing several is that the postures will evolve at the same time as the child. It is possible to do a few sessions when the baby is lying down and later, when he will sit, to do new postures with this position.
Do you need to have knowledge about yoga before participating in the sessions?
No, these postures are easily achievable for the child and for the parents.
In case your business is working very well, would you be willing to go full-time in it?
For now this is not the goal because I really like the hospital environment but I would be willing to reduce my time in the hospital even more.